The Volunteer Program runs in alignment with membership: December 1 to November 30th. The purpose of the volunteer program is to recognize individuals who made significant contributions during NEWDA recognized events. A criterion of a recognized event is one that is insured. However, other events will be considered at the discretion of the volunteer coordinator. (i.e. promotional demo, virtual show, etc.). Each chapter will have funds set aside in relation to the number of members. The ratio can be adjusted at the discretion of the volunteer coordinator. In order to encourage new members to join non-NEWDA members who volunteer will also be eligible for recognition.
NEWDA rewards is the form of recognition which can be used at NEWDA recognized shows and events. They can also be applied to a new NEWDA membership or renewal.
NEWDA officers are eligible for recognition when volunteering for recognized events but not for attending meetings or performing officer duties.
A Volunteer Application form, located on the website on the New Dressage Association website ( can be filled out individually or as a group submission for a recognized event. Typically, the event coordinator will submit a summary of participant hours for a single event. This can be done online through the website or by e-mail directly to the NEWDA Volunteer Coordinator.
Event Organizers, Show Managers, Show Secretaries: up to 12-16 hrs per event, per day.
Event Volunteers: up to 8 hours per event, per day.
Hours may be accrued by providing housing, transportation of a judge or clinician. Hours that are needed for the production and completion of an event may also be accrued.
Volunteer credit request must be submitted to the volunteer coordinator by December 1st of the current year. Categories for volunteer hours and NEWDA rewards awards will be determined by the Volunteer Coordinator after December 1st. All awards will be distributed at the Annual Meeting. Any funds which are not used by a chapter will be rolled over into the next calendar year for the entire NEWDA membership.
NEWDA is a non-profit, tax-exempt corporation under US Code, section 501(c)(3) incorporated in the state of Wisconsin.
Special thanks to our photographers - Photos by Jackie, Sea Star Equestrian Cecelia Conway, Franke Photo Design.
© 2019 NEWDA - New Dressage Organization All rights reserved. Website by Badgerland Marketing